Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Delay Help 1 of 1 Default: 1 second Specify the number of seconds to delay between successive pings. A delay time of 0 seconds pings as fast as possible. Exit Help 1 of 1 Confirm whether you want to exit the IPXPING utility. Available Keys 1 of 1 ESCAPE Continue current IPXPING operations. SELECT Exit IPXPING if YES is highlighted, or continue current operations if NO is highlighted. Insert Target Help 1 of 1 Specify the IPX network number, the node number of the target node, and the number of seconds to delay between successive pings. The target node must support the IPX Ping protocol, otherwise, no Ping replies will be received. Available Keys 1 of 2 BACKSPACE Delete the character to the left of the cursor. DELETE Delete the character to the right of the cursor. LEFT Move the cursor one character to the left. RIGHT Move the cursor one character to the right. HOME Move the cursor to the beginning of the line. Available Keys 2 of 2 END Move the cursor to the end of the line. ESCAPE Begin pinging the target if a valid target has been specified. Or, abort the insertion. Modify Help 1 of 1 Specify a new delay time, in seconds, between successive pings of this target. Available Keys 1 of 2 BACKSPACE Delete the character to the left of the cursor. DELETE Delete the character to the right of the cursor. LEFT Move the cursor one character to the left. RIGHT Move the cursor one character to the right. HOME Move the cursor to the beginning of the line. Available Keys 2 of 2 END Move the cursor to the end of the line. ESCAPE Accept or reject the modifications. Node ID 1 of 1 Default: 000000000001 Specify the node number of the target node to be pinged. IPX Ping Help 1 of 3 Each item in the list represents one IPX target node that is currently being pinged. The following statistics are shown for each target node: Target The IPX network number and node number of the target being pinged. Sent The number of IPX Ping requests sent to the target. Received The number of IPX Ping replies received from the target. IPX Ping Help 2 of 3 High The highest round-trip time encountered. Low The lowest round-trip time encountered. Last The round-trip time for the last IPX Ping request/reply. Trend Current trend of round-trip times. As an alternative to the round-trip time, the trend field displays one of the following: IPX Ping Help 3 of 3 No Data Not enough data to compute the trend. Down No replies received from the IPX Ping requests. Failing No replies received from two-thirds of the IPX Ping requests. Drops No replies received from one-third of the IPX Ping requests. Available Keys 1 of 1 INSERT Insert an additional target into the list. DELETE Delete the target currently indicated by the select arrow in the left margin. UP Move the select arrow up one line. DOWN Move the select arrow down one line. SELECT Select the specified target to modify the ping delay. ESCAPE Exit IPXPING, after confirmation. Network Number 1 of 1 Specify the IPX network number of the target node to be pinged. The target node must support the IPX Ping protocol, otherwise, no Ping replies will be received. Available Keys 1 of 2 BACKSPACE Delete the character to the left of the cursor. DELETE Delete the character to the right of the cursor. LEFT Move the cursor one character to the left. RIGHT Move the cursor one character to the right. HOME Move the cursor to the beginning of the line. Available Keys 2 of 2 END Move the cursor to the end of the line. ESCAPE Begin pinging if a valid target has been specified, or abort the insertion.